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Facilitation Tools

How to Organize a Youth Forum

This 21 page document is a how-to guide that steps you through how to organize a youth forum. This guide was compiled by ACT for Youth. It includes: 

  • Step-by-step planning process

  • Samples of letters, announcements, and materials

  • Templates for materials 


Learn more about ACT for Youth and see their other resources at

How to Organize a Youth Forum

This 21 page document is a how-to guide that steps you through how to organize a youth forum. This guide was compiled by ACT for Youth. It includes: 

  • Step-by-step planning process

  • Samples of letters, announcements, and materials

  • Templates for materials 


Learn more about ACT for Youth and see their other resources at

FYI Guide: Facilitation Techniques

A two page overview of facilitation: 


  • What is a facilitator?

  • Common challenges for facilitators

  • Techniques to overcome those challenges

Planning Your Workshop

This guide, put together by the climate advocacy group, steps you through: 

  • choosing dates

  • figuring out how many participants and facilitators should attend

  • choosing a location

  • planning food

  • logistics before and after the event


Explore more of their resources at: 

Creative Facilitation Techniques

This PDF is an intensive, freely downloadable resource compiled as a toolkit as the Permaculture Facilitator's Resource Book for Training and Assessment. The first 28 pages are most useful for facilitators, including detailed examples of: 

  • energizers

  • living metaphors

  • lead-in activities for workshops

  • dynamic review activities

  • brainstorm formats

Learning Contract

A learning contract helps everyone to understand the goals of an workshop, and outlines how participants and facilitators will work together to achieve those goals. This resource provides an activity to use at a workshop to make a learning contract, including: 

  • materials needed

  • time required

  • step-through activity guide

  • review process


Common Room Set-ups

This chart shows common room set-ups for workshops and events, and compares the pros and cons of each. 

Tool: Loom - Planning Template

The Loom is a customizable tool that you can use to plan an event or workshop, helping you to organize the timing, method, activity, and preparation necessary to succeed. 

Guidelines for Successful Brainstorming

These 5 quick tips help to guide a open, collaborative brainstorming session. 

Food Security Bingo

This bingo sheet can be used as a warm-up/icebreaker activity for workshops and events. On the sheet is a 4x4 bingo card. For the activity: 

  1. Pass out a sheet to each participant

  2. The winner is the first to get four completed squares in a row.

  3. To fill a square, they must find another participant who can answer "yes" to one of the statements, and that participant signs their own name in the square. 

  4. You may not collect multiple signatures from the same person - each square must have a different name signed.

Food Skills and Knowledge Bingo Squares

This document contains a variety of informatoin that can be used to customize your own bingo sheet, like the Food Security Bingo sheet above. 

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