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FYI: The Project

FYI Theory of Change

FYI Youth Empowerment Model

FYI History


2009 – Food Youth work started with the Youth Working Issues Team (Youth WIT) that was part of the CEFS Farm to Fork initiative


2010 – Tes did focus groups with individual youth groups, classes, and faith groups based on the WIT’s planning ideas


2011– We used all that as the framing point for looking at a youth interest in a council, campaign, and career ladder at the first youth gathering a year ago at Stone House;


2012 – Over summer two youth design teams took all that information and put together the framework for the Food Youth Initiative (FYI) and specifically a Youth Advisory Council (advisory rather than policy to parallel the state council).


2013 – Pilot statewide youth council on food issues; trainings for the youth council representatives in Storytelling, Food Policy, and Entrepreneurship; Career Ladder initiative including FoodWorks profiles; and Curriculum development with DPI for high schools. 

Check back for a month-by-month overview of the pilot year.

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